
Barbich Hooper King Dill Hoffman is licensed with the California Board of Accountancy and New Mexico Board of Accountancy. The following BHK professionals are Certified Public Accountants (CPA) licensed by the California Board of Accountancy:

  • Anne Addis
  • Victoria Andrews
  • Louis Barbich
  • Ronald Dill
  • Mark Gehring
  • Tailor Graves
  • Patrick Hoffman
  • Michael Hooper
  • Geoffrey King
  • Debra Kirschenmann
  • Danhira Barajas Millan
  • John Bianchi
  • Judith Perez
  • Nancy Pollard
  • Michael Stevenson
  • Christina Velasquez

The following BHK professional is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensed by the New Mexico Board of Accountancy:

  • Louis Barbich

The following BHK professional is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensed by the Maryland Board of Public Accountancy:

  • Anne Addis