Trustee Services

At Barbich Hooper King Dill Hoffman, we offer a full range of trust and estate services designed to provide accounting and administration support so our clients have peace of mind knowing that their wealth is protected. With constant changes to tax laws and regulations, our professionals can provide you with the expertise you need.
Our services are geared toward businesses and high net worth individuals who require financial expertise and experience. Some of our clients choose to name a shareholder in our firm to act as a current trustee and/or successor trustee of one or more trusts in their estate plan. By naming a shareholder of our firm as your trustee, you receive quality trust administration by a skilled and experienced professional acting on your behalf and in accordance with your personal instructions while maintaining family harmony through an impartial, third-party trustee. Continuity can be guaranteed by providing for another shareholder of our firm to be the successor trustee if the current shareholder in the firm cannot serve as trustee. The appointment provisions can provide the beneficiaries of the trust with the power to remove and replace the trustees if they so desire.